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Högerklicka eller multiklicka på “Ladda ner” och välj därefter vart du vill ladda ner filen i din dator


Målsättning i världsklass Ladda ner



Fysiologisk avslappning Ladda ner

Mental avslappning Ladda ner

Självkänsla och personligt ledarskap Ladda ner

Målbildsträning med NLP Ladda ner


3 Your life 2.0 (på engelska för dig som är sugen)

1 Laying the foundation. Ladda ner

-Four levels of learning
-R.I.S.E to the next level.


2 21 century selling Ladda ner

-The psychology of selling
-Use it in your everyday life
-Why we buy
-21 century selling


3 Stay motivated – the fundamental key to lasting impact. Ladda ner

-Learn and practice the four strategies to master your state
-Trigger motivation whenever you need it
-Learn how to engage your body to unleash Peak-performance
-Focus, how to tap in to the power of your mental focus


4 Stay motivated – the fundamental key to lasting impact / improve your communication skills. Ladda ner

-The difference between focus and attitude
-How to create the attitude of a champion
-The power of the language
-Transformational vocabulary
-Develop your own communication style
-Master the three roles of selling


5 Persuasion – Financial mastery – Champions boot-camp Ladda ner

-Trust t- the fundamental key to world-class selling
-Get your message across
-Tools and strategies for persuasion
-How to master your finances and become wealthy
-F.A.S.T strategies
-Champions boot-camp



CD 1 Inläst av Tomas Bolme. Ladda ner